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Shi-mu Lisa Lee

Shi-mu Lisa Lee photo Shi-mu Lisa Lee
  • 4th. Rank - Instructor

Taijiquan (Tai-Chi) Bio

Shi-mu Lisa started training Chen Taijiquan under her husband Kam Lee, in the early 2000s. An inquisitive and industrial student, Lisa had competed in many tournaments and won many gold medals in almost all the categories she entered. She had since retired from competition and focus on training and helping to instruct students at Kam Lee Taiji Kungfu Academy. 

Since her early days of training, Lisa had the opportunity to trained under Grandmasters; Zhu TianCai, Chen Xiaowang and Chen Zhenglei. In 2011, she attended and represented the school in the Jiaozuo tournament in Henan, China. One of her great skill is her excellent cooking when we come to having event like Chinese New Year! 


  • Instructor - Taijiquan Program
  • Head Chef!